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Showing posts from January 22, 2020

Theme of Choice and Chance in Harry Potter

Theme of Choice and Chance in Harry Potter  "It is our choices, Harry that shows what we truely are far more than our abilities" Choices plays a very vital role in everyones life. In the Harry Potter siries we can find that every character has their own unique abilities but ultimately it's their choices which make them good or evil at the end. From the very begining of first part, we can find a magical hat  that decides about student's sorting in four school, but perhaphs expect Harry no one knew that if one have his/ her own chkice and great firm than the magical hat allows one to go into the school whichever is wanted by student.  Perhaps choices are more valuable than abilities, Harry Potter and Voldemort both have similar abilities but it's all about their choices. Harry's choice leads him to be a good and humble whreas Voldemort's choice makes him devil lord. Along with it Malfoy's choice makes him death eater and Peter Petti

The discourse of Power and Politics in Harry Potter

The discourse of Power and Politics in Harry Potter   With the publication of Harry Potter, J.K.Rowling faced criticism because many people charges against on a ground that her work promotes the idea of racism, black magic and anti governerment. Beacuse of this the Harry Potter series has been banned and withdrawn in many schools in USA on account of parents fear that Harry Potter might have been spoiled the innocence mind of children. "There is no good and evil, there is only power.. and those too weak to seek it" - Voldemort Voldemort is the representer of evil power who is chiefly concerned with becoming more and more powerful even at the cost of himself. He is the one who started to use his power on ministry of magic as he gained his control over it. According to Foucaultian concept knowledge is created by people in power position and it can be seen in fantasy series. Here mainly power operates from Ministry of magic, Hogwart school and fr

Self-Help culture and Harry Potter

Self-Help culture and Harry Potter Each and every character in Harry Potter series give us long lasting messges through their journey of life. "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" This quote from Harry Potter and Goblet of fire gives a lesson that avoidance is adaptive in the short term, but overtime its presence may be destructive.  Harry Potter teaches us to never doubt on our own personality as well be a selfi confident is equally important. To work a hard is necessary to achieve anything without hardwork we can't get anything.  "No divine, no dead ones, no loved ones comes to save us. It is we who save us" It also tecahes us that there is no dead one who comes to help you, it is nothing more than having an illusion, ultimately it is the person himself or herself who can come over from difficult situation by their great efforts.  Below mentioned are articles/websites, click on them to read in detail.

Discourse on purity of Blood and Harry Potter

Discourse on purity of Blood and Harry Potter  Blood status, a very much concept of blood purity remains at centre in Harry Potter series as well as dark lord Voldemor's concern for killing person from non magical blood also represents discourse of purity of blood. The term pure blood refres to a family without Muggle blood. This concept of purity of blood plays a vital role in wizarding wars. According to Salazar Slytherin only pure bloods should be allowed to attend Hogwart school of Witchcraft and Wizardy. In the nov we have characters who belongs from various blood as mentioned below. Pure blood : Ron Weasley                         Draco Malfoy Muggle blood: Hermione Granger  Half blood: Harry Potter                                Albus Dumbleder   Hermoine called as "Filthy Little Mudblood". As Hermoine belongs from Muggle blood, she is frequently insulted by Draco as he himslef belongs from pure blood, this pr

Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry potter

Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry potter  "Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. And Harry, just be careful, " Hermione (Rowling, 1999, p. 16)  This quote from Harry Potter series, is best which depicts Hermoine's outstanding  nature, but it seems as she is believing herself as inferior or rather she hasn't value of her knowledge. J.K.Rowling presented the Hermoine as the cleverest witch in Hogwart, here the word witch seems problemtic from feminist perspective as it has negative conotation. Hermoine's characerization is refleted through the language used by Rowlling to describe her. Though she is cleverest one, she cowers fear when she sees a troll and she required help from his male friends as well as her cleverness is mainly contributed in helping Harry when the matter comes on her, she always needs others help. Along with this in Quidditc game we can see that there is on

Web Quest on Harry Potter

Harry Potter Web Quest  (Tap on the image to know more about it...) Harry Potter is a British- American film series based on the eponymous novels by British author, film producer and screen writer Joanne Rowling, widely known as J.K.Rowling. She widely known for her fantasy novel series of Harry Potter. The series is distributed by Warner Bros and consisit of eight fantasy films, begining with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and culmination with Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows part-2. The Harry Potter fim series, which makes our childhood fantastic was mainly produced by David Heyman and starts Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as three leading characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.  √ Furhther detaisl which are provided here is response to the academic task, to know more about it click here. (This is the group task done by Minkal Italiya, Richa Pandya and Dhaval Diyora) There are seven books in series as mentioned bel