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The discourse of Power and Politics in Harry Potter

The discourse of Power and Politics in Harry Potter 

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With the publication of Harry Potter, J.K.Rowling faced criticism because many people charges against on a ground that her work promotes the idea of racism, black magic and anti governerment. Beacuse of this the Harry Potter series has been banned and withdrawn in many schools in USA on account of parents fear that Harry Potter might have been spoiled the innocence mind of children.

"There is no good and evil, there is only power.. and those too weak to seek it"
- Voldemort

Voldemort is the representer of evil power who is chiefly concerned with becoming more and more powerful even at the cost of himself. He is the one who started to use his power on ministry of magic as he gained his control over it. According to Foucaultian concept knowledge is created by people in power position and it can be seen in fantasy series. Here mainly power operates from Ministry of magic, Hogwart school and from media. 

As soon as the Hogwart school is taken under Ministry of Magic, they starts to interfear into school by appointing professor Dolores Umbridge. She puts a bann on practises of magic by believing that theotrical knowledge could be sufficient as well she tries to control wizard and witches at school. Coming in powerful postion Umbridge starts to use metriarchal power and infosted strict rules such as well as she belives in prohibition and decency in clothe and behavior.

The power of media is also presnted as Rita Skeeter printed a wrong news about Dumbledore and Harry Potter. 

Below mentioned are articles, you can read them for further detail.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

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