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Showing posts from November 6, 2018

Thinking activity: Coleridge's Biographia Literaria

The Biographia Literaria is a critical work by Samuel Taylor Coleridge which is contained in 24 chapter.In this critical disquisition,Coleridge concerns himself not only with the practice of criticism but also with its theory.In the chapter of XIV of Biographia Literaria,Coleridge's view on nature and function of poetry is discussed in Philosophical term. The difference between prose and poem is discussed by Coleridge and the difference between poetry and poem is discussed by philosopher.                                            .    Difference between poem and prose. If we look at the difference  between the poem and prose it seems very  unclear, its a very difficult to get the clear cut idea about the dissimilarities between poem and prose.The main difference between these two is related with the object.The language of poem is someti...