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Showing posts from March 8, 2020

ON@TCC: Portrayal of youth of modern Indian Middle class

Portrayal of middle class modern youth in Bhagat's ON@TCC   Paper no.13 The New Literature   Sem- 4   Roll No. 17   Email:   Batch: 2018-2020   S.B.Gardi Department of English, MKBU Portrayal of middle class modern youth in Bhagat's ON@TCC          ~ Introduction:                     After the grand success of “Five Points to Someone”, Chetan Bhagat, author of blockbuster novel came up with his “One Night @ the Call Centre” in 2008. This novel holds mirror to the society that reflects the realistic problems of real India. In most of his novel, he is dealing with the realistic problems of real India. Unlike R.K.Narayan's Malgudi and Hardy's Weseex, his novel set in real world India. His ON@TCC is a study of reciprocal relationship between society and modern youth whereas each and every characters appears with realistic burden of work and with having a frustration due to pressure of work. This pop nove