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Showing posts from March 9, 2020

Changing Identities of Magistrate in Coetzee’s “Waiting for the Barbarians”

  Changing Identites of Magistrate in Coetzee’s “Waiting for the Barbarians”                Name : Minkal Italiya           Paper no.14 The African Literature   Sem-4   Roll No. 17   Email id:   Batch: 2018-2020   S.B.Gardi Department of English,MKBU   C hanging Identities of Magistrate in Coetzee’s “Waiting for the Barbarians”     Introduction:                     "Waiting for the Barbarians" is fable of post-colonial literature written by twice Booker Prize winner novelist, linguistic and critic J.M.Coetzee. Along with Booker prize, he also won Nobel Prize in literature in 2003, Jerusalemn Prize, CAN Prize and many others as well. He is a man who not only talks about engaging narrative stories but also takes up socio-political issues in different ways and he stands against apartheid movement as well. As far as post-colonial reading of the novel is concerned it reveals the unequal power relations based on binary op

Mass Media and it's importance in Women Empowerment

   Mass Media and it's importance in Women empowerment Paper no.15 Mass Communication and Mass Studies   Sem- 4   Roll No.17   Email:   Batch: 2018-2020   S.B.Gardi Department of English, MKBU   Introduction: The very much subject of mass media and women is quite relevant in recent time, Mass Media plays a vital role in shaping culture as well as in establishing any social norms, including to create   gender stereotypes and later on to bring immense change or reformation in created stereotypes. Back then, the media is not served as a platform where men and women can enjoy their own rights. With the spreading of technology and education, Mass Media serves as effective and important tool to bring changes in the society. Though the fact can’t be neglected that the very much representation of an old gendered idea is also continued at certain level in new modern form, equally the women enjoys a better position than earlier they