The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventure of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe which was first published in 1719. Robinson Crusoe is Daniel Defoe’s first long fictional work in which he introduced two of the most enduring characters English Literature: Robinson Crusoe and Friday. Robinson Crusoe, is known for its intriguing portrayal of the evils of the modern world such as colonization, economic individualism, slavery, etc. The story is based on the life of Alexander Selkirk who was a Scottish castaway and lived for four years on a Pacific Island. This classic tale of adventure features cannibals, captives and mutinners. This long novel can be broken down into three major movements. Part I: Before the Island Part II: Life on the Island Part III: Escape from the Island As we know that there are many movies which are based on the novel. In the same way there are more than one movie based on novel Robinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe is...