# Expert_lectures_on_ELT_by_Prof_Atanu_Bhattacharya # 25th_to_27th_January_2020 # Talk_on_Research_Prospects_and_Future_of_English_Studies # ELT # Department_of_English # MKBU # Language_is_teaching_of_logic We acquire language in childhood in form of picking up certain sounds and gradually we move to be fluent speaker of any language, it seems that this process is not less than mechanism. Language can even becomes a weapon in creating either reality or falsify anything. In order to clarify or providing better understanding of various concepts of ELT, very insightful lectures were delivered at department of English by ELT expert # Prof_Atanu_Bhattacharya_sir , organized by Dr.Dilip Barad Sir. In order to clarify the present knowledge it is necessary to go back to its root, and so the sir truly did. By providing a productive information on education shifting in Renaissance period, sir discussed a various concepts and methods of ELT as well as lighten on why litera...