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Thinking activity: Coleridge's Biographia Literaria

The Biographia Literaria is a critical work by Samuel Taylor Coleridge which is contained in 24 chapter.In this critical disquisition,Coleridge concerns himself not only with the practice of criticism but also with its theory.In the chapter of XIV of Biographia Literaria,Coleridge's view on nature and function of poetry is discussed in Philosophical term. The difference between prose and poem is discussed by Coleridge and the difference between poetry and poem is discussed by philosopher.

  •   Difference between poem and prose.
If we look at the difference between the poem and prose it seems very  unclear, its a very difficult to get the clear cut idea about the dissimilarities between poem and prose.The main difference between these two is related with the object.The language of poem is sometimes highly ornamental and also we find complexity of word.While in the Prose,the language  is very straightforward and we do not find a use of rhyme and meter like poem.To make the poem decorative,poet uses some meter or rhyme which brings artificiality in it.

Poem is considered to be structured form.While in the prose there is no need of decoration it seems very simple and also it is a natural form of writing.Poetry is more expressive and attractive if we look at prose it is opposed with poetry it seems dull.So we can say that the immediate object of poetry is to give pleasure not to covey the truth,as opposed the immediate object of prose is to give truth. 

The prose and poem both contains the same elements but the difference between the combination of those elements and objected aims at in both the composition make them different. Different of the object will be the different of combination.

 But if the poem has appropriate selection of words than it can be possible without even rhyme or meter. For instance

" The Three Oddest Words" is a wonderful poem written by Wislawa. In this poem we don't find any highly ornamental poetic language or any kind of rhyme or meter. But the arrangement of words are perfect and that's why the poem gives a kind of sense. We find something new or fresh in this arrangement of words.

  • Write in your words the Difference between poem and poetry.
The poem and poetry both can be considered as the sweetest form of work of an art. A poem is the arrangement of words which can be described as something made or created.A poem is a literary term written in verse with rhyme,meter and musicality which give us delight.While the poetry can be described as a activity of poet's mind,as Coleridge points out that "poetry of the highest kind may exist without meter and even without the contradistinguishing objects of poem".

For example:
Image result for highest kind of work of art

For Coleridge 'poetry' is an activity of mind and a poem is merely one of the forms of its expression, a verbal expression of that activity is basically an activity of imagination. If we look at this art of work than it can be also considered as a poetry. 

As Coleridge said that highest kind of poetry may exist without meter and it is  a activity of mind. This work of an art is also a creativity of mind that's why it can be considered as poetry.
So it can be said that the prose and poem are not only distinguished by rhyme or meter but their immediate and ultimate goals make them different. While poem is a form of poetry and poetry is the art of creating poem.


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