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Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry potter

Feminist reading of Hermione's character in Harry potter 

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"Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. And Harry, just be careful, " Hermione
(Rowling, 1999, p. 16) 

This quote from Harry Potter series, is best which depicts Hermoine's outstanding  nature, but it seems as she is believing herself as inferior or rather she hasn't value of her knowledge. J.K.Rowling presented the Hermoine as the cleverest witch in Hogwart, here the word witch seems problemtic from feminist perspective as it has negative conotation. Hermoine's characerization is refleted through the language used by Rowlling to describe her. Though she is cleverest one, she cowers fear when she sees a troll and she required help from his male friends as well as her cleverness is mainly contributed in helping Harry when the matter comes on her, she always needs others help. Along with this in Quidditc game we can see that there is only one girl named Cho Chang was there. Though it can be said that it talks about gender equality, really it isn't, the game is ended as soon as snitch was cathched by male figure Harry Potter.

Along with the majority of main characters in the series are men, all the poewrfull positions are possessed by men characters. Though the professor McGoagall is there, she potrayed as having clever but not wise. 

We can not find any girl as brilliantly heroic the way Harry is, no woman is experienced and wise like Professor Dumbledore as well as the range of female personalities is so limited that niether women nor girls play on the side of evil.

Following mentioned are the articles, Click on them to read in detail.
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3

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