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Advertising as a tool of Communication

What is advertising? Define it as a tool for communication.

Advertisementsare backbone for the advertisers and for the products, ideas or services. Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television, print (newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, 

internet, direct selling, hoardings, mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, clothes, events, colours, sounds, visuals and even people.

There was a time when manufacturers were not much aware about creating importance for the products, ideas or services which they promote because earlier there was no cut-throat competition in the market. Once the brand building came into existence, afterwards manufacturers realize the importance of highlighting special features of the products. They are selling through the medium of advertisement. 


“Advertising is a marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are typically businesses wishing to promote their products or services. “ 

- Wikipedia

Advertisers are providing the best possible platform to any specific product, idea or service. One can say that the advertisers play a role of a bridge between suppliers and the consumers. An advertisement can be helpful not only to the manufacturers or the consumers but it can also be helpful to the advertisers. 

One of the major benefits to the advertisers is that they can get success in earning trust of both the parties i.e. the manufacturer and the consumer. Sometimes an advertiser has to be the best mediator who can effectively communicate the thoughts or messages of the manufacturer to the consumers. 

If any advertiser gets success in winning the trust of the manufacturer, automatically other suppliers will be attracted towards that specific advertiser. This effect can be beneficial to the advertiser as his firm will get maximum popularity among the manufacturer, at the same time among the consumers. This particular phase will be helpful to the advertiser for getting self-motivated for preparing effective advertisement. Another benefit can be that an advertiser can get the best possible creation as well as technically sound stuff which can help to prepare the most creative and interactive / interesting advertisement. At the same time, any particular advertising firms will provide maximum opportunities to the employed youth to the society. 

Advertising as a tool for communication 

An advertising firm may hire plenty of people to work for different departments. Every department will try its level best to communicate effectively for preparing and advertisement for the specific idea, product or service. Any advertisement is meant for passing a specific message, to give information, to educate people, to appeal to people or to convince the consumers/customers anyhow. So it is clear that advertising is one of the most important tools for communication with the development of technology. There are various mediums available in the market for effective communication. 

There was a time when advertisements were given by using the drums of by just shouting the features of specific product in front of the people. Later, with the invention of printing, posters of specific symbols were used for advertisement. 

However, nowadays with the development of information technology, the modern advertising firms may select the fastest and the latest medium for effective communication. Nowadays, people associated with the advertising firm have become much aware about selecting the proper mode of communication. The people from advertising firms pay extra attention to designing messages for any advertisement.

Here, communication enters into the scene and helps the various departments of the advertising firm for preparing the most effective advertisement. For designing the message, the advertising firm may require people who have expertise in various areas. It means such firms may hire people who have technical backgrounds and at the same time people who have creative minds. The success of any advertisement majorly depends upon the medium selected for any particular advertisement. The Internet, social media, and various websites have become the most effective medium for staying connected with the wider group of consumers all over the world.


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