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Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools

Though everyone have their own different experience of using technology, when it comes to integration of technology for academia, it seems always helpful and something new to learn. This course explores strategies and approaches to effectively integrate Web 2.0 tools in learning process as well as it helps us in learn some valuable skills which we can immediately in our class to make learning environment live and lovely. Nowadays there are many tools available but this course helps in choosing tools for learning and teaching perspectives.

What is Web 2.0?
Before to know Web 2.0, it is necessary to have a some knowledge about Web 1.0. In comparison to web 1.0, Web 2.0 is dynamic as well as is allow anyone with having internet connection to create and upload content at very low cost or some times at free of cost. Blogger, wikies and podcast are well known examples of web template of content creation tools. Which allows one to create content and later on publish it without any charges. By using these templets anyone can be radio jockey or publisher of their own stories. 

There are certain web tools which helps in managing collaborative task.

Assign-A-Day : to create a class calendar which can be shared with students and parents

Doodle : helps to set up group meetings

Along with it in modern classroom teacher can also ask their student for doing group tasks by using google drive which allows collaborative editing on documents, presentations and spreadsheets. Though the group members are not together, by using google drive they can work together. There are also Web 2.0 tools like Mindomo and Dropbox, where we can share our files and links as well. I am also using Youtube, Blogger, Google docs and so on, tools for learning purpose and for sharing information as well. But following are tools about which I learnt from online course on Coursera of powerful tools of web 2.0. (Following chart is taken from online course of Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning:Web 2.0 Tools from Coursera). 

Description of Tools

  It helps in collaboratively schedule group meeting online

   A flexible and visual way to collaborate and organize

Zoho Docs
                            A workspace for creating, storing and editing documents and files.

   A platform for creating a classroom workspace where teachers and students  can communicate and work on writing projects alone or in teams.

                            An online storage service that can securely share files.

                            Finish tasks by organizing a list with a friend or a team.

                            A tool for sharing bookmarks for groups or teams.

                           Real-time group brainstorming sessions using diagrams or mind maps.

Various tools and Language Learning
     1) Facebook
Facebook is a very good platform for language learning, there are number of groups and pages, we can find on Facebook that helps us in improving our basic skills. There are several pages which helps me in improving my vocabulary as well as in improving my LSRW skills. On facebook we can find number of native speakers of English language, healthy interaction with them also helps in language learning. 

2) Instagram 

With facilities of Internet and mobile phone every social platform is served as knowledge gaining platform. Instagram is no longer only a platform of sharing a photos and videos, now it becomes a platform of learning new things. Above mentioned are pages followed by me on instagram which helps in improving my vocabulary and in learning various accents as well. 


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