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How ON@TCC shaped me?

 How ON@TCC shaped me?

Since the five years I am diving up in the ocean of literature and the journey is still going on and through these years I came across many novels, short stories and poems. During this I learnt that “Literature holds up a mirror to the society”. Recently I read Chetan Bhgat’s best-selling novel “One Night @ The Call Centre”.  Now let me tell you little about this particular novel, how it helps me in becoming better me. Though I heard about  Chetan Bhagat as a voice of young India, never read any of his work. This was for the first time I read ON@TCC.

Have you ever think about a bollywood scene of  having a cup of hot tea/coffee in winter night and you are reading something which smoothen your mind with having a storyline that provide you a lesson to come across certain problems in your life. Then perhaps ON@TCC is fine choice for you guys.

“The more you read, the more lives you live within one life”

All the six characters have their own story, Shyam and Varun are facing problems at their workplace; though Radhika is married, she is never happy in her life; Military uncle has son but than even he is living alone; Priyanks is in love with Shyam than even she forced to marry a NRI boy and finally Esha who is rejected in modelling industry for having a shorter height. I am mentioning all this stuff here because it has a certain significance in novel, at the end after receiving a call from god their deserted life changes in the greeny one.

Many of the youngers like me and you; living in their 20 or 22’s are facing a problem at working place to prove their talent or the girls are facing problems from their mother-in-laws; the so called stereotype created by Bollywood. All of us are facing problem in one or another way in life, we just have a need to find our inner call; the call from God from the ON@TCC. The thing I learn from this is that never doubt on your own personality, in life situations may come which is not in your favour, but it's all about how you can come over it. 


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