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"Ghashiram Kotwal" by Vijay Tendulkar

"Ghashiram Kotwal"

Image result for ghashiram kotwal
“Ghashiram Kotwal” is a Marathi play written by one of the most well known Indian dramatists of 2oth Century, Vijay Tendulkar. He is known for his Marathi writing which deals with various issues related to contemporary social,political, economical and cultural life in Maharshtra. In the “Ghashiram Kotwal” he also used historical reference, and used in such a way that it become a universal in the play. The play was written in 1972 as a response to the rise of a local political party, Shiv Sena in Maharashtra.

The theme highlights contemporary scenario through the character of Ghashiram Halwai, his journey shows how a men in power give rise to ideologies to serve their purposes and later on destroy them when they are not needed more or become useless.

Tragedy of corruption and power
The plot spins around Ghashiram Savalda, a North-Indian Brahmin from Kanuj and Nana Phadanvis, chief minister of Peshwas in Maharashtra. The play is divided in two acts with each act divided in small scenes. Ghashiram Kotwal is a poor brahmin comes from Kanuj to Poona in order to find fortune along with his daughter and wife. He becomes a servant in courtain Gulabi’s house where he pleased Nana and he gave him neckeles which was snatched by Gualabi. In this Ghashiram is insulted by people who are in power in comparison to him.

 ‘The plot deals with conflict between power and powerless, between Nana Phadanvis and Ghashiram Kotwal’

He came with hope of fortune but it is being shattered as soon as he has to face series of humiliation in Poona. Though he not commits crime or not stolen a money he put into the prison, he yields,

‘I am not a thief but a Braham from Kanuj’

His voice is not heard by anyone as well as humiliation is major factor which generates a powerful feeling of revenge. In words he busted out his anger, 

“But I’ll come back to Poona. I’ll show my strength. It will cost you! Your good days are gone. I’ll come back a boar and I’ll stay as a devil. I’ll make pigs of all of our. I’ll make this Poona a kingdom of pigs. Then I’ll be Ghashiram again, the son of Savaldas once more”

In his anger to take revenge of humiliation or to satisfy his hunger of power he doesn’t even think twice about his own daughter. When Nana offeres him precious diamond pleaded by him, Kotwal offers his own daughter to satisfy Nana’s lustful nature.

‘Nana’s lustful nature becomes one of the predominant force in the power struggle of power equations’.

Pleaded by Ghashiram, finally Nana appoints him as Kotwal and he starts to trouble people of Poona by enforcing strict rules. He treats citizens too harshly as well as twenty two Brahmins are dies because of his torture. Tired off this the Peshwas summons Nana who orders Ghashiram to be killed in the most inhuman way possible.

‘Ghashiram throws away his rule to make city Poona immoral’

Meanwhile he is busy in satisfying his lust of power and on the other hand his daughter Lalita Gauri becomes a victim of corrupt power game, she is impregnated by Nana and while during the abortion she is died.
To conclude it, the play is all about socio-political power and the rising conflict between powerful and powerless people.


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