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Know the Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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Know the Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 

Image result for chimamanda ngozi adichie"
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, a Nigerian novelist has been known for her short stories and nonfiction as well she is considered as an excellent speaker. Her widely known novels are as listed below.
Purple Hibiscus(2003)
Half of Yellow Sun (2006)
Americanah (2013)
Along with it she is known for her short story collection 
"The Thing Around Your Neck" (2009) and her book length essay "We Should All Be Feminists" (2014).

Because of being so realistic in her work she has been awarded the 2018 PEN Pinter Prize.
According to Harold Pinter's Noble speech,
The PEN Pinter Prize annual award is given to a writer for showing a "fierce intellectual define the real truth of our lives and societies".

To know more about this amazing writer, let's have a look on some videos.

    1)   Talk on importance of story/ literature

"The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story only story".
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

A Nigerian author, in her ted talk calls herself as a story teller and goes much deeper in her talks on poor family from which she belongs to. Indeed this act of criticism of her own life  proves her as a best story teller as it enables her to build a comfort level with audience. The most important fact I like is about her shifting attitudes towards portrayal of characters in her novel. Before coming familiar with African literature she used white blue eyed characters in her work but this perception was totally changed as soon as she found out African literature. Furthermore, she shares stories on her own experience as well. In her, "Story of American roommate" she speaks on her own experience with American roommate who was amazed at the sight that any Nigerian could speak such an amazing English. These stereotypes towards towards black African or Nigerian can be found in many African works. Talking about Frantz Fannon's "Black Skin and White Mask" , this particular work also deals with this stereotypes towards black people who are considered as not equal to white cultured people. What Chimamanda spokes out in her various short story shares a message on her own experience of being a Nigerian woman. Basically the core idea of her is to broaden that much concept of thinking regarding black people and culture which can be observed in her work as well as in the work of Frantz Fanon, Chinua Achebe and so on.

2) We Should All Be Feminist

The term feminist has changing notion with the course of time. Basically what we understand is that it means to be equal to men in social, legal, and in economical rights. Here by changing her own experience she talks on gender discrimination we still have in society at certain level. She mentioned her own experience from childhood, when she wanted to be a class monitor and worked hard to stand first in class but she did not allow to be monitor because she is a girl. In a same way she had a experience with waiter in hotel. In a hotel Waiter ignored her. But why? because Waiter’s mind is constructed by society in a very narrow way and taught him to look down at women by saying men are more important than women. Here in this particular, very bravely she presents the reality of world.

3)Talk on importance of Truth in Post truth Era

In the very beginning she talks about her own anecdotes regarding the pronunciation of her name. All of first she interprets her own name “Chimamanda” as personal spirit which can never be broken. Her main concerned is not about having miss pronunciation by anchors or others, but she has problem with changing meaning of her name along with miss pronunciation. Furthermore, she says that in speaking face to face truth one may have to face chaos but one have to be courageous enough in speaking truth. Than she talks about her own lying when she reached somewhere late, in way by referring this she showcases the lies which everyone around us used to speak.  She put emphasizes on that in post truth era, media is for truth not it can only use for entertainment. 


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