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Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources

Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources

In this phase of digital era, when the old culture of books are slowly and steadily moving towards internet; it seems that new young generation are on the path of becoming internetwarms.
Though the emerging world of internet is full of information, do we rely on it blindly? There is no doubt that we like to use internet for grasping the knowledge or knowing about newer things but when it comes to the point of academic research work, how far the authenticity of web resources is certituded?

      Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources, 19/11/2019
English Department, MKBU

While doing academic and research works we do not rely blindly on any web resource as these works required quality of reading and writing. In order to spread awareness about the authenticity of web sources, a very fruitful session was conducted by Dilip Barad sir on 19th November, 2019.


Turnitin is an Americal commercial, internet based plagiarism detection service which helps to promote academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism and thus helps to improve students' outcome.

Sparknotes, Shamoops, Gradesaver, Enotes and so on, these are known web sites which are widely used by students. But when the matter comes on the point of productivity standard of content, it almost fails to achieve it at certain level. One can understand the productivity standard on any website by  observing it  through certain parameters such as quality assumptions and quantitive assumptions. Turnitin provides us a rubric form given into the research paper of it, based on evolution of web sources widely used by students.  This rubric helps in to check out the productivity or authenticity level of any web resource.

Here are some websites(regarding particular articles) evaluated by me on parameters measured by rubric.

     (Nagritude Movement)
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Educational Value

The article which I referred on this site was contributed by Anna Miklin, a historian who also researched independently on the Negritude Movement. In this one properly she cited the sources which she referred as well as the content of it seems rich in quality. 

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Educational Value

It widely provides the content in easy language but it seems not useful for academic or research purpose. It seems ok to just grasp only basic idea about any topic. As far as productivity or authenticity is concerned, we do not rely blindly on this one.

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Educational Value

In comparison to shmoop, this one seems more productive as we also find certain kind of critical content on this at different extent. It also involves the quotes from original text in its write up in explanation of various literary work.

In nutshell, while doing any academic or research work by using web resources we must have to take into consideration above mentioned parameters as well as it required us to check the productivity standard of any work.


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