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Rang Mohan : Youth Festival 2019, MKBU

 Rang Mohan : Youth festival of MKBU

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”
― Franz Kafka

As Frantz Kafka mentioned about the spirit of youthfulness, in order to bring out this youthful spirit of students; RANG MOHAN was organized or celebrated by the Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavngar University where student’s spirit meets with artistic quality.

Rang Mohan:Youth Fest provides wings to young students to fly in the sky.

 Rang Mohan - Youth Festival was celebrated by Maharaja Karishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University  from 25th to 28th September and  was hosted by Sport department of our university. In this youth festival many students from various inter collages have performed in various activities. The main aim behind the celebration of youth festival is to bring out the hidden talents or skills of an individual. As 2019 is being celebrated as a 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the main theme of Youth festival was based life of Mahtma Gandhi.

25th September- the first day of Youth Festival was marked as a Kala yatra in which various performances were presented by students which were highly based on Gandhian theme, indeed they presented a whole journey of Gandhi from Mohan to Mahtma. Beside it the current factors of digitalization and the campaign of cleanliness were very innovatively included in Kala Yatra by students.Events like group songs, Bhajan, Shastriya Sangit, skit,one act play, Mimicry, Mime, Solo song, one act play, painting, poster making, clay modeling and many others were involved in the Youth Fest.


Skit is a theatrical activity which I found more interesting than any other in Youth Fest.

Skit is a theatrical activity in which indirectly through the flow of dialogues harsh hitting is done on power system, wrong beliefs of society as well as it also showcases how certain traditional notions are dangerous for society.

In Youth Fest there was one skit which is highly based on absurdity. When human relationships becomes more artificial like mechanism, do anything remain for living? In that skit commodity of human relationship were presented. No one is happy with whatever they have, either they are in searching of someone or something. There is woman who wants to buy a husband or other one who hates her own father. In way it showcases the changing phase of society and relationships of family.

While talking about skit, how can we forget to present which are going around us? What I think is that there should be a skit on how economic strength is being used in various sector in order to get the certain position.😂 How we feel when we do not get anything in form of reward even after working hard. Though it is not a matter of blaming on anyone for our failure, karma always pays off!!! But here again question that really karma pays off?

LGBT – the skit under this title is performed by the girls of department of English which is highly satirical one which is doing harsh hitting on the mentality of so called society. The struggle of homosexual and legalization of homosexuality under the section of 377 in Indian constitutions were represented in it.

Mime is a well known theatrical medium which are used by mime artist in order to bring out various elements of art in various capacities. Mime is performed only by using body gesture, there is no use of dialogues. In the youth festival seven mimes were presented by students.

Though it is a difficult task, different contemporary problems such as robotic science and its danger in upcoming year, Pera-Olympic and essence or spirit of handicapped people, losing identity of lion were included in various mimes in different capacities.

(It is incomplete, reviews of several events are pending....)


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