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Task on Methods of English Language Teaching

This blog is a part of my task activity which was given to us in paper of ELT-1.Click Here for task link.

Methods of English Language Teaching

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There are several methods like The Direct Method, Grammar Translation Method, Audio Lingual Method, Suggestopedia, Direct Method, Total Physical Response and many more are used by teacher while teaching an English language. As far as method of teaching is concerned, it keeps on changing from one teacher to another. Method of teaching also plays a vital role in grasping the attention of students. It may also happen that one student may feel comfortable in learning with a particular method used by teacher while the other one may also find it boring and not that much of attentive. Let’s have a look on task questions….

1)   Which method appealed you the most from above given methods? Give Reasons.

Image result for total physical response

From the various methods the Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching appealed me the most. Total Physical response is a language teaching method developed by James Asher.
It is well known said that,

Healthy mind lives in a healthy body

Of course, with the changing of time this quote should have various interpretations. Here I am referring this as in context of learning, if there is a certain kind of physical activities which keeps the mind of student relax and as a result students can focus on their subject of learning. This method also involves a physical activity on the part of students, it has not involved that physical activity like a fitness activity. In this method we can learn language with activities even with the help of lots of fun. The most important fact is that, in this activity we can find an equal participation of both students and teachers. As the ma’am already mentioned about it in our class that, everyone can learn through this method without age barrier as well as it also helps in enhancing our vocabulary. No matter however hard the subject is, but this method may remain a class lively and attentive.

2)   Tell something about your favourite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?

Learning through audio lingual method(Army method) is quite interesting for me. As it puts more emphasizing in learning through listening before writing and reading. Nowadays in era of technology and internet, it allows us to learning through Youtube and flipped learning. And it also enhances our listening and speaking skill as well as we can also improve our pronunciation and grammar skill by learning through this method.

3)   Tell something about the method you didn’t like from school till PG. Give reasons.

During my school days teachers used to teach us through the traditional Grammar Translation method. I didn’t like this method from my school till the PG as it seems quite exam oriented teaching method. Learning through only Grammar Translation Method do not allow to come out from that pond of limited knowledge and equally limits  our ability of pondering in ocean of knowledge.


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