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Reflective blog on academic visit at Ankur school

PNR society is a unique group of institutions, which has been working for disabled children in Bhavnagar.Many institutes like K.K.Blind school and home for the blind, K.L.Institute for the Deaf, Ankur school for Mentally Retarted children have been working under PNR society for relief. It’s always spellbinding for me to be acquainted with disabled people. Among these institutes luckily on 28th June, we had an academic visit at Ankur school – school for special children. Though it was our sudden planned visit, it was the best one.

What is disability?
 It is a kind of psychological disorder, which limits the person’s physical and mental activities and senses.

Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor

Ankur school- the school for special children, as the name itself suggests that they have special children in school. It has been working to bring the improvement in the life of mentally Challenged children.  

Throughout this visit Bhavna Andharia Mehta ma’am guided us. We visited the various classes of the institute and knew about different types of disabilities of mentally retarted children. There were different classes according to their IQ levels. While teaching these students it is a necessary for teachers to keep the balance in children’s IQ level.  They also use the music therapy with yoga to bring balance or calmness in children’s mind. Physical therapy is also used there for solving their griping problem.  The teachers can’t teach them like us, rather they prefer some kind of activities to teach them in a better way.

 Learning through playing

These disabled children are treated there for their better future. The teachers also using technology to teach disabled people. As we know that visual learning has a powerful impact than only a kind of an oral teaching. The main aim of this institute is:  nurturing of these children as well as motivating them by providing a various kind of unique vocational training. After this training they can do a certain activities like drawing or to prepare rakhi and paper bag from newspaper. 

 As Bhavna ma’am said us that sometimes these disabled children take a year to learn little thing like how to brush their teeth or other daily activities. In this situation the role of the teacher becomes very vital or even harder than. After observing their educational activities one can say that…

Disability is just a word for them, in actual they have a greater skill.
Disability need not be an obstacle to success.

Thank you....


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