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Post viewing activity on Hamlet

'Hamlet' is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare.We have a movie screening of movie Hamlet which was adaption of Shakespeare's play Hamlet and directed by Kenneth Branagh. As a part of our post viewing activity,here I am sharing some point of views on it.

Image result for hamlet movie by katharine branagh
  • How faithful is the movie to the original play?
  The movie is quite faithful to the original play.But Kenneth Branagh's presented few scene which seems to be more powerful in the movie rather than in the original play. Because he wanted the viewers to find Shakespeare interesting and full of action and drama.For example we can find a little bit difference in the play scene.While in the play Hamlet was too scared to tell about the reality behind the death of his father. Whereas in the movie during the play scene Hamlet was running on the stage and pointing and shouting at Claudius.Because he wanted to people to make connection between plot of the play with the reality.This scene was very well shown in the movie rather than in the play.

  • After watching the movie,have your perception about play,character or situation changed?
   In the movie there were many things which was different from the original play.In the movie Hamlet was portrayed as too older while in the original play he was portrayed as a young king.In the original play,we find that Gertrude was not happy because of the death of King Hamlet,but while in the movie we find that Gertrude was quite happy after the death of King Hamlet and also her marriage with the Claudius signified that she was not in grief because of the death of King Hamlet.

  • Do you feel 'aesthetic delight' while watching the movie? If yes,exactly when did it happen? If no,can you explain with reasons?
Image result for hamlet movie by kenneth

Yes,we fill aesthetic delight while watching the movie.In the movie there are some scenes of Hamlet and Ophelia in which they both seems happy and it gives delight. Hamlet supposed that his uncle was the murderer of his father and that's why he organize a play.While the players performing the play they convey some instruction and dialogues which are related with the life of Claudius,Gertrude and Hamlet.At that time Claudius and Gertrude became fearful or nervous and Claudius goes away from there.After this scene we can see the relief on the face of Hamlet.Because now his doubt is clear and he comes to know that his own uncle Claudius was the murderer of his father.At that time I feel aesthetic delight as Hamlet comes over the difficult situation takes the breath of relief.

  •  Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?
Yes,I feel catharsis while watching the movie.Firstly I feel catharsis when Hamlet comes to know about that the his father was murdered by his own mother Gertrude and his uncle Claudius.And the other character who suffers a lot is a Ophelia.When hamlet is frustrated he behaves very rudely or cruelly with Ophelia.She is also abused by her father who does not understand her daughter's love for Hamlet  and uses her against Hamlet.

  •   Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
Yes, screening of movie helps me a lot in better understanding of the play.In the movie we understand the setting or situation of the play batter and also the expressions of characters help to understand the situation. While in reading book we do not understand it exactly and read the text is also a time consuming.While in the movie audio and video both are used which can help in understanding the each and every scene.Lively scene always effect batter then visualizing scene.

  • Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

Yes,in the movie there was a Claudius' confession scene,[in third act,third scene] which will be cherished lifetime by me.Claudius was praying and confessing that he murdered his own brother.At that time Hamlet was also there and Claudius was unaware about it.Undoubtedly,Hamlet would be able to kill him,but he could not because he would not want that his uncle's soul would go to the heaven.

  • If you are director,what changes would you like to make in the remarking of movie on Shakespeare's Hamlet?

 If I would have been the director of the movie i would have like to give some power of the character of Ophelia.I would like to portray the character of Ophelia as a strong woman who would aware about her rights rather than  being the puppet in the hand of  Polonius,Laertes and Hamlet.Ophelia would have been the woman who would argue against the wrong decision of her life which would have been taken by others.

  • In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the King Hamlet is hammered down to the dust. What sort of symbolism do you read in this? 

The beginning and the end of movie which helps to make the movie interesting one.In the beginning camera rolls over the statue of King Hamlet which represent the king hamlet's ambition to avenge his death.This ambition leads towards the downfall.At the end of the play the statue hammered down to the dust.Which signifies the downfall of Hamlet and entire Denmark.And at the end of life after death nothing will be remained immortal,all things like pride,money etc...will be vanished.

  • While studying the play through movie,which approach do you find more applicable on the play?Why? Give reasons with illustrations.

 While studying the play through play I found that Philosophical and Psychological approach are applicable on the play.Hamlet was the university student and also the Philosopher and sharper minded.We can see that he is driven by Psychological complexes.Hamlet wanted to take revenge on Claudius as he was the murder of his father.He found Claudius alone while he was praying,at that time he had a great oppertunity to kill him but he didn't.He thought that if he would kill him while praying then his soul would go to the heaven which Hamlet never want.Here Psychological approach is as well as applicable.The reason behind delaying in taking revenge was Hamlet's willingness also.Hamlet always unconsciously wanted to do whatever his uncle Claudius done because of the oedipus complex.Hamlet was driven by Psychological complex but his mind was still remained the philosophical one.Which made him to think twice before every action.

  • Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.

Before watching movie I found that only Psychological and Feminist approaches were more appropriate.As Gertrude was very well treated by Claudius and Hamlet.But after her remarriage with Claudius Hamlet started to feel some kind of hatred towards her.Every woman has a right to live her life in which way she wants to live,that's why we can say that Gertrude has done nothing wrong if she wanted to marry other man than she could.And the other female character is Ophelia,lover of Hamlet.He also used many times abusing words for Ophelia.


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