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Thinking activity on Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballad

The preface to the Lyrical Ballads is an easy which was written by William Wordsworth.In which he discussed about what is poet rather than who is poet? And he also discussed about poetic diction,language of poem.


Question.1]  What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of  'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'?

  Romanticism and Classicism are two ideologies.Its all about the technique of writing certain things for   example the way of write poetry or the subject which one choose.It may be something more than the school of thoughts and ideologies .

- Intellect and Imagination
Classicism also included Neoclassicism which was prevalent in England during the latter half of the 18th century. In which intellect was considered to be the ruling guiding principal.For example in the poem of classicist like Alexander Pope and Dryden we can find the intellectualness.
While in Romanticism Imagination was considered to be the guiding force.We find the poetry of Wordsworth,Keats and Shelly which was highly imaginative rather than intellectual.
- Restrained and Liberty 
Classicist believed in Restrained.There was no place for liberty.While on the other side

Romanticist believed in liberty.There was a free play of imagination.Poets were free to express imagination or feelings in their work of art.

- Classical and Medieval

In classicism classicist depended on the classical masters like Aristotle,Plato,Secretes etc.While on the other side in Romanticism they depended on medieval poets and writers.

- Objectivity and Subjectivity
Classicist believed in Objectivity.For them "good poetry should be objective".Whereas in Romanticism they believed in Subjectivity.For instance Wordsworth's definition of poetry was "good poetry is a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility.

- Urban and Rustic life
Classicism represents Urban life whereas Romanticism represents the Rustic life.The poets like Wordsworth,Keats and Shelly represents rustic and humble life of the people in their work of art.As well as they sings the glory of rural life.

Question.2] Why does Wordsworth say 'What" is poet? rather than who is poet?

Wordsworth says What is poet rather than Who is poet because here  he talks about the talent which poet has. Poet is a man speaking to a man,endowed with more lively sensibility. The poet inherent some talent or qualities which differs him from other people.They endowed like the other people but they have lively sensibility which others do not have. And the poet also has a greater knowledge of human nature.The poet also differs from other in terms of degrees,enthusiasm and tenderness.Wordsworth considers poet as "more comprehensive soul' ins his platonic definition.
In this way Wordsworth put emphasis on the work of art of poet or the appreciate the talent of poet rather than giving a more importance to the who is the poet.

Question.3] What is poetic diction?Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth  in his preface?

Poetic diction means a choice of words or language. Wordsworth said that he was not satisfied with the neo classical writer who used highly ornamental language in their work of art which is related with the city dwellers.Common people does not understand the highly poetical language because their language is not well cultivated or well crafted. That's why Wordsworth  said that, the language of poetry should be the realistic language which are used by people. There should be genuineness rather than artificiality.But in this Wordsworth's statement critic also raised voice that what he means by real man,is the city dwellers are not real and they also give the example of his poem A Michael:a pastoral poem ,in which Michael is a 80 years old farmer,more hearty.In this poem he does not talk  about the real life in the sense which happens with everyone.

 Question.4] What is poetry?

Poetry is a kind of medium to teach the people  morality with delight Poetry is a breathe and finer spirit of all knowledge..According to Wordsworth,"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings; it takes it origin from emotions recollected in tranquility".

Image result for daffodils by william wordsworth
Question.5] Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud'with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.

 "Daffodils" is one of the most popular poem of Wordsworth .The poem was written in four stanza.The first of three stanza out of four were written in past tense,while the fourth and final stanza was written in present tense.As per Wordsworth's definition,"poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful filling;it takes it origin from emotions recollected in tranquility"
This poem deals with human nature.In last stanza we find that the poet was in his tranquility but he he felt the the delight by recollecting the image of thousands of daffodils.


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