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Introductory Thinking task on T. P. Kailasam's "The Purpose".

Que.1  Write something about your favourite teacher .Give some reasons for it.

send a personal message and a link to my inspirational teacher video to your favourite teacher
    The word teacher which itself is connected with the word teach.Any one who can teach you something can be cosidered as a teacher.So my most favourite teacher is my father.Besides father he is my motivator also. Whenever i find out my self in trouble or just can't make any decision in complexity at that time i just go to him and ask what to do in this matter or how to solve it .He suggests me the  possible ways to come over the situation and also points out the advantages and disadvantages of each and every step, but never forces me to follow the footprint of  him.Since childhood i used to learn from him in my academical matter of life as well as in moralistic matter of life.Besides my father there is my mother also who teaches me the lesson of my life.And both of them always teach me to be  independent in every phase of life.

Que.2 How are you as a student? Think and write.

             If as a student I talk about myself than I am very talkative person and that's why I can't concentrate constantly in lecture also.And as a student Iknow very well that how to behave with the teachers in well mannered way.And a student I always opt for perfection in my work.

Que.3 What is the difference between the education system in the past and today's time?Take help of your parents to write this.

When my parents were studying....

Image result for education of 1950s

When my parents were studying, at that time people were not aware about education.Society did not understand the importance of education.If we talk about girls' education,it suffered a lot. The girls' education was neglected and they had to do only household work.At that time there was not a digital or technical way of learning.Teacher used to teach only from textbook.And because of discrimination lower class people didn't get an opportunity for study.Because of some rigidity of society people didn't get the chance to learn.Education system of that time was not smarter like nowadays.

Nowadays when i am studying....

Image result for digital education

I am studying in the time of Digital India.There is a vast different between ancient education system and today's education system.Nowadays pen and book are replaced with the e-textbook.Teacher can teache students at anytime with the help of e-textbook so that concept is becoming old that one can have to study or teach something from teacher only during school or college hours.We get educational information via E-mail,Blog,Facebook,Whatsapp group etc..

So we can say that there is a huge difference between the past education system and the way of studying today.Today's education system is becoming more and more smarter.


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