Generally dream means a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep. As we know that dream is a collection of images and ideas that occur involuntarily during certain periods of repose. 1) When did you have a dream? I oftenly used to dream during the sleeping at night.But the problme is that I don't remember anything aftet waking up.Hardly I remembered only few parts of dream.Mostly I used to have a horror dream. 2)What did you see in your dream? One night I had a very horrible dream.I remember only few part of it. In the dream I was standing at the top of the hill.Suddenly the atmosphere surrounding me started to change and felt like something mysterious could be happen. At that time mighty man appeared infront of me and forcefully pushed me into the valley. I only remember this part of my dream. 3)Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, What type of creation would be there? ...